As the well-known mantra goes, 'choose a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life'. And it's difficult to argue with this sentiment. Except, very few people are lucky enough to find themselves in a position where their job also happens to be their life's passion.
Indeed, for many people, finding a job where the positives outweigh the negatives is the reality of their situation. But even then, the negatives may not be all that bad.
Countless employees the world over spend days or even weeks away from home on business. At first, this can be a great part of the job, staying in nice hotels, eating out every night and even traveling to places they have never been. But the novelty of living out of a suitcase usually soon wears off, especially after extended periods of time, and it can be very tiring for the person involved.
Not only will they miss their family and loved ones, but the reality of living between a hotel restaurant and a hotel bedroom can get very tedious and it's no match for the warmth of a family home.
Having to live and work in the same confined space is not ideal. Being able to prepare a coffee in an allocated kitchen area as well as working in a dedicated office area with a proper desk and all the necessary internet and telephone connection ports shouldn't be underestimated. And simply having room to move around can improve an extended stay away form home immeasurably.
New York State, for example, is a popular destination for business travellers. Even out with the perimeters of New York City, there are countless other towns and cities within the state that are home to some of the world's biggest corporations. Buffalo - New York's second largest city - boasts numerous 'Fortune 500' organisations, such as Ford Motor Company, Northrop Grumman, General Mills, and many more.
In this situation, an extended stay hotel in buffalo, for the many corporate clients that will inevitably be drawn there, is no doubt the best way to spend valuable company and personal time. Not only will the individual appreciate the home comforts and generous living area, the improved sense of personal wellbeing is sure to have a positive knock-on effect for the company too.
So, whilst many people may never find that perfect, life-affirming job, it's still possible to minimise the impact of any negative aspects of the job. Many corporate travellers on extended business stays would benefit greatly by living in a more spacious environment with proper facilities, truly helping to create a home away from home.